Being Born

The Art of Being Born 

Because everything Mariana does is an art... #TeamMariana

I want to thank the amazing #ListerNerds who made this discovery and for thinking of me as soon as they realized what they had. I will forever be grateful when the words 'Shantel needs to see this first' are spoken when discovering something new about Mariana. To me, that's better than someone offering someone their kidney. But again, we all have unique hopes and dreams. 

Thank you, Pauline M, for discovering, transcribing, and translating this holy text. Thank you, Livia Labate, for orchestrating my seeing it 'live' so I could share it with my grandkids someday (haha!), and Marlene Oliveira for saying I needed to see it! My heart is full! 

You all gave the "Literary and Philosophical Society for the Appreciation of Mariana Percy Belcombe Lawton" a founding date.

Mariana Percy Belcombe. Born February 5th, 1788. Baptized February 7th, 1788.

Source : Archives départementales de l’Isère et du Dauphiné.

Registres paroissiaux - Etat civil de Vienne / Saint-Georges.

Transcribed and translated by Pauline M.

Reference : 9NUM/5E547/9

Le même jour [7 février 1788] en présence des soussignés, a été baptisée Mariana Percy, née l’avant-veille [5 février 1788] fille légitime de Mr William Bellecombe [Belcombe] écuyer habitant de la paroisse St Martin in the fields, Londres en Angleterre, de dame Marie Anne Montford, résidant l’un et l’autre en cette paroisse [Saint-Georges de Vienne] depuis trois mois.

Parrain Mr James Percy gentilhomme de Londres représenté par Abraham Kirkpatrick Sherson ecuyer anglais, second parrain marraine Elizabeth Bligh anglaise représentée par Izabeau Pacot domiciliée en cette paroisse [Saint-Georges de Vienne]. William Belcombe Père Abraham Kirk-

patrick Sherson. Reymond curé


The same day [February 7, 1788], in the presence of the undersigned, was baptized Mariana Percy, born two days before [February 5, 1788] legitimate daughter of Mr. William Bellecombe [Belcombe], squire, living in the parish of St Martin in the fields, London in England , of dame Marie Anne Montford, residing both in this parish [Saint-Georges de Vienne] for three months.

Godfather Mr James Percy, London, gentleman represented by Abraham Kirkpatrick Sherson English squire, second godfather, godmother : Elizabeth Bligh, English, represented by Izabeau Pacot domiciled in this parish [Saint-Georges de Vienne]. William Belcombe father Abraham Kirk-

patrick Sherson Reymond priest

Reference : 9NUM/AC544/16

Le même jour [7 février 1788] en présence des soussignés, a été baptisée Mariana Percy née l’avant-veille [5 février 1788] fille légitime de Mr William Bellecombe [Belcombe] écuyer, habitant de la paroisse St Martin in the fields, à Londres et de dame Marie Anne Montford, résidents l’un et l’autre en cette paroisse [Saint Georges de Vienne] depuis trois mois. Parrain Mr James Percy gentilhomme de Londres représenté par Mr Abraham Kirkpatrick Sherson écuyer, second parrain, aussi anglais habitant de Londres, marraine Elizabeth Bligh habitante de [?] en Angleterre représentée par Izabeau Pacot illettrée et domiciliée en cette paroisse [Saint Georges de Vienne].

William Belcombe Père Abraham Kirkpatrick

Sherson. Reymond curé


The same day [February 7, 1788], in the presence of the undersigned, was baptized Mariana Percy born two days before [February 5, 1788] legitimate daughter of Mr. William Bellecombe [Belcombe] squire, resident of the parish of St Martin in the fields, in London and Lady Marie Anne Montford, both residents in this parish [Saint Georges de Vienne] for three months. Godfather Mr James Percy gentleman of London represented by Mr Abraham Kirkpatrick Sherson squire, second godfather, also English living in London, godmother Elizabeth Bligh living in [?] In England represented by Izabeau Pacot illiterate and domiciled in this parish [Saint Georges de Vienne].

William Belcombe father Abraham Kirkpatrick

Sherson. Reymond priest

In the margin : Mariana percy Bellecombe